Monday, August 20, 2012

Three Books I Will Never Buy

On a recommendation from a recent acquaintance, I drove out to Middleburg last Friday. It's very quaint and sweet in the same way Cape Cod and Concord are, but Virginia style, and a little more upscale. There are some real pretty horse farms and vineyards along the way, which I found to be a surprisingly welcome respite from the city. I am so not a city girl. Anyway, although every store in town prices its merchandise far beyond my humble reach, I did enjoy browsing, and just looking at all the pretty things. In the back room of a shop, which mostly sold imported Italian pottery and over-priced table linens, I found some books. I found some very silly books, as a matter of fact -- books I will never buy:

1. $180 leather-bound blank scrap book
2. The Chic Shopper's Guide to Paris
3. A History of Underwear Fashion in Detail



  1. Ellie, do you mean Middleburg? This is where I grew up. Our family farm Westwood was three miles from Middleburg and almost a third of that distance was our driveway! You are right that we cannot afford anything there. Not even milk!

  2. Haha... what makes the third book clearly not worthy of being bought is that "in Detail." Ya, it's a BOOK.

  3. Yes, you're right -- Middleburg. I (and the post) stand corrected.

    Leila, you're certainly correct! Of course, I couldn't bring myself to analyze the title beyond a horrified "ewww...gross." But I see now that it's even worse than I realized with my initial assessment :)

  4. I'd be most likely to go with No. 1 -- but only if I had some DARNED good stuff to scrapbook about...
